Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Black Friday

I think the 'Black' in Black Friday refers to the darker side of consumerism. 
Ths darker side of human nature,
humans hunger and greed or is it's the modern 'something for nothing's mentality.
Scenes of shoppers breaking down doors to get in to get the bargains, fighting with each other, with staff and generally anyone they can! Sucked in by tempting offers of 50, 60, 70% off. Are these bargains real? Are these people real! 

It's Black Friday, Black Friday Month, Black Friday forever!
Initially Black Friday was a marketing idea for the first Friday after Thanks Giving in the States, now it simply signals the start of the mad round of pre-Christmas consumerism.

What drives people to behave like this? Is it that everyone else is doing it so they must do it too? That modern phenomenon of 'FOMO' the fear of missing out? What ever it is, it leaves me cold and indicates to me just what's wrong with society. The modern "me me me" way of thinking! Take a look in a mirror sometime and think, what could you do for other people.


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