Friday, December 31, 2021

Medium Wave

Kids these days just won't understand! 
they don't even know what a radio is!
Back in the day,
listening to the Medium Wave band.
I remember listening to Capital radio on 194 meters in Brighton transmitting from London.
Autumn; winter time so the signal was fading in and out.
Then a track comes on
"Guilty" with Barry Gibb and Barbara Streisand,
creating a memory I keep to this very day.
The beautiful full tones of the medium wave band,
Soft and true.
including the fading and crackle! 
Every time I hear the track I am taken back.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

My Veggie Trip

 The 2nd of July 2021 I announced to my family I intended to be vegetarian. It was almost like I was coming out as being gay! I have been such a carnivore in the past, the looks on my familys' faces were priceless!

I had been struggling for many months with the contraction on one hand of loving animals, having a dog, rescuing spiders from the bath, yet seeking to gain my protein from meat and animal products.
I have recently opened my eyes to what rubbish is being served up as meat. Mechanically reclaimed meat in chicken nuggets and beef burgers. Ham that are just bits stuck together in the convenient shape and size of a slice of bread. I'd gone off chicken, in fact I'd got sick of it, I still liked beef, but no one else in the family did.  
Time for a change. Time to face up to how I really felt. Time to finish off the 'hippy', peace-loving life style and indeed now living how wanted to live and showing how I really feel. 
I was really fooling myself in regard to how I wanted to live, how I really felt about things and how I wanted things to be; moving forward. So, one day whilst out on a photography trip I had a bacon and sausage bap (god knows what was in the sausages). And that was it! I even bought the veggie version of a meal deal, later in the day at a well known supermarket in Sussex! Done, sorted! Change made!

I didn't initially make the choice to be uber-healthy, and I've not fully done it to save the planet... can one middle aged man going veggie save anything? That said,  I'm a type 2 diabetic, I am diary intolerant and was 60 in September so I will be fascinated to see how those parts of me are affected!

Finishing this piece off as I am on Christmas day, and having recently had the feedback from a diabetic check-up the news is good!
Not only am I still veggie and have not been inticed off the straight and narrow by meat of any kind, my diabetic score is now 46, and technically I'm now a pre-diabetic!

What next? Dump the bags of sweets! Lets get less sugar in my life and see if I can get that score even lower!


My anxiety Is an unease at a basic level through worry to fear like traffic lights Green-Amber-Red 1-2-3 or 3-2-1! like water over-topping m...